
为期4天半的培训课程强调公众参与、安全、应用限制和新2ndAFS鱼藤酮SOP手册,由手册的两位资深作者教授。该课程的开发是为了满足美国环境保护署的标签要求,包括AFS鱼藤酮SOP手册。本课程采用课堂讲授、实验室和实地练习、参与者陈述、课堂讨论和内容测验作为教学方法。议题包括:邀请公众参与;BOB国际体育渔业管理/养护计划;物种对化学品的敏感性;选择性治疗与根除治疗;上涌地下水的探测与处理;在规划处理时使用GPS技术;适当的安全设备; rotenone and potassium permanganate chemistry, toxicology and environmental behavior; reading and following labels and SDSs; instructive project case histories; crisis management strategies; and characteristics of successful projects. The participants perform laboratory, field and planning exercises during the course including performing toxicity tests on rotenone and potassium permanganate at realistic concentrations, performing calculations to determine amount of chemicals needed to treat flowing and standing waters, constructing and operating application and deactivation equipment, and developing public involvement, application, deactivation, safety and monitoring plans. Participants receive a copy of the AFS Rotenone SOP Manual published in 2018, and successful completion of a final exam will give the participant a certificate of completion from AFS.
