

450年px-second_river_west_of_high_jeh立即发布联系人:Beth Beard 2014年1月22日(电子邮件保护)根据本月美国渔业协会杂志《渔业》上的两篇新评论文章,城市生活对鱼类来说很艰难。BOB中国官方下载BOB国际体育一个主要位于太平洋西北部的科学家团队回顾了城市河流的许多压力源,以及缓解这些压力源的努bob娱官网入口力的有效性。俄勒冈州立大学渔业和野生动物系的鱼类生理学教授卡尔·施莱克说:“从我们城市流出的水含有避孕药、医疗活动产生的辐射、医疗废物、咖啡因、香水、防晒霜、除臭剂和消毒剂的痕迹,所有这些都能改变鱼类的生理机能。”BOB国际体育城市鱼类及其栖息地的命运也影响着城市居民,特别是在水质、水管理和生活质量方面。Amnis Opes研究所的鲍勃·休斯说:“如果你担心你生活的城市和孩子们玩耍的地方,建议你阅读这两篇文章。”影响城市河流的多重压力因素——河道化、污染、高度可变的流量——被称为“城市河流综合征”。城市河流症候群的其他症状包括河道被切割成陡峭的河岸,发现的物种种类减少,以及耐干扰和外来物种变得更加普遍。幸运的是,资源管理人员有几种方法来对抗城市流综合症。关键技术包括重新种植自然土地覆盖,改善废水和雨水管理,恢复水和土地之间的水文联系,并使河流恢复到更复杂的自然状态。几乎所有有助于改善城市鱼类栖息地的努力也有助于改善城市居民的生活; as water quality improves, fishing and swimming become safely possible, and stormwater management costs decline. However, recovery takes time and rehabilitation efforts must match the scale of the problem. The challenge is the growing scale of those problems, with over 50% of the world’s population living in cities, and trending higher. If historical patterns and climate changes continue, urban stream syndrome will claim more and more streams, resulting in even higher repair costs unless the effects can be prevented in the first place. The authors identify several research needs, including: ways to monitor multiple stressors, a better understanding of the effects of toxic chemicals and how to screen for them, how various types of impervious surfaces affect aquatic life, how urbanization affects aquatic life in different regions with different histories and natural environments, how urban surface and groundwater are connected, what the potential future effects of climate change will bring, and how well mitigation and low-impact development practices actually work. All of this will require government entities to collaborate more to maximize funding, mitigation and rehabilitation, and monitoring opportunities, the authors state. One key is collaborative watershed management. “For example, in Portland, Oregon, there are multiple bureaus working together on watershed issues. It’s a very integrated approach,” said co-author Alan Yeakley of the School of the Environment at Portland State University. Yeakley added, “We invite you to join us in thinking about approaches to reduce the impacts of urban areas on fish. Pristine conditions are not attainable, but urban stream rehabilitation is a worthy goal because appropriate actions improve the environments in which most of us live.” Kathleen Maas-Hebner, senior faculty research assistant in Oregon State University’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, emphasized some of the social aspects of rehabilitating urban waters. She stated, “Most cities have a ready supply of citizen scientist volunteers who love working on projects and helping to monitor aquatic resources.”

  • 城市水体面临的挑战与对策综述:(1)修复与整治,作者:罗伯特·m·休斯、苏茜·杜汉姆、凯瑟琳·g·马斯-赫伯纳、j·艾伦·耶克利、卡尔·施莱克、迈克尔·哈特、南希·莫利纳、克林顿·c·斯塔克、维克多·w·卡钦斯基和杰夫·谢弗。BOB国际体育渔业39(1):18-29。
  • 城市水体挑战与对策综述(2)未来城市化的缓解效应,罗伯特·m·休斯、苏茜·杜汉姆、凯瑟琳·g·马斯-赫伯纳、j·艾伦·耶克利、迈克尔·哈特、南希·莫利纳、克林顿·c·休克和维克多·w·卡钦斯基著。BOB国际体育渔业39(1):30-40。

# # #美国渔业学会(AFS)成立于187BOB中国官方下载0年,是BOB国际体育世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的渔业科学学会。AFS的使命是通过推进渔业和水产科学,促进渔业专业人员的发展,改善渔业资源和水生生态系统的保护和可持续性。BOB国际体育AFS拥有五种期刊和bob手机官方网页版登录众多书籍和会议,是北美和世界范围内渔业科学信息的主要来源。BOB国际体育