




B. K. T. M.法默和J. H.罗伯茨著,2022年。应用鱼类生态学。643 - 694页S. Midway, C. Hasler和P. Chakrabarty,编辑。鱼类生物学方法,2nd版。美国渔业协会,马里BOB国际体育兰州贝塞斯达。

应用生态学可以看作是附属于生物体的统计学。应用鱼类生态学家依赖于各种实地和实验室技术,其中许多在本书的其他章节中有描述。然而,这些工具通常是科学过程中的一个初步步骤,在此之前要对研究设计和统计进行深思熟虑,然后再对结果进行解释和交流。因此,生态学和统计学方法是不可分割的。除了这一卷,还有许多野外和实验室技术的资源(Bonar et al. 2009;Zale et al. 2012;Quist和Isermann 2017)以及统计分析(Burnham和Anderson 2002;Guy and Brown 2007;Kéry和Schaub 2011;2012年的Legendre and Legendre; Zar 2013). Moreover, numerous programs are available for conducting analyses, and choosing one is often a matter of personal preference. For these reasons, we differ from most chapters in this volume by focusing on identifying common methods, tools, and approaches rather than providing comprehensive details or programs for implementing them.

大量的文本涵盖了鱼类生态学的概念方面(Matthews 1998;伍1998;戴安娜2003;Walters and Martell 2004;Helfman et al. 2009;Ross 2013),我们建议读者参考这些来源以获得有关概念的详细信息。相反,我们本章的目标是提供用于回答应用鱼类生态学中常见问题的公认和新兴方法的概述。因此,这一章是围绕生态问题/议题而构建的,而不是用某种工具可以做什么。我们这样做有两个原因。首先,它有助于避免使用不同工具回答类似问题所产生的冗余和混乱。 Second, it represents our philosophy that ecology should be motivated by questions instead of tools; however, we recognize that the emergence of new tools can lead to generation of novel questions that had been previously unconsidered. In the next section, we begin by addressing a suite of common considerations and pitfalls associated with design and analysis of ecological studies and proceed with using basic types of studies to structure each section.