


克里斯·o·尤达维姬·l·戈登,爱德华·t·兰金朗e . Hersha和查尔斯·e·鲍彻


文摘。37年的一系列标准化的鱼评估在赛欧托河(美国俄亥俄州)自1979年以来,加上历史信息文档几乎完全恢复从污染严重的条件在19世纪末到20世纪初。近100条鱼物种报告下游哥伦布市(美国俄亥俄州)污水和工业污染。1972年修改联邦水污染控制法(清洁水法案)规定的控制污水和工业污染。减少载荷增量延误治疗或治疗不当的污水。全面复苏near-prepollution成分和丰富了二十多年先进的废水处理后实现。未受污染的支流作为开拓殖民地来源报告的数量的物种。这些积极的变化延伸跨所有鱼组合成员就是明证增加俄亥俄州生物完整性指数的值;修改后的幸福指数;本地物种丰富度、密度和生物量;和外部异常发生率降低鱼。 These restoration successes and their documentation were facilitated by the Clean Water Act that set forth the goals for water quality standards and treatment technology for reducing water pollution and conducting baseline and follow-up monitoring. An important lesson learned was that serious doubts that existed in the 1970s about the feasibility of advanced wastewater treatment technology and the attainability of water quality standards in an effluent dominated river were completely erased by the demonstrated improvements in the fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Scioto River. The extent of improvements in recreational opportunities have tracked that of the biota by an increased use for fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and related forms of recreation. However, maintaining these improvements will require continuation of high levels of wastewater treatment and water quality standards. A growing human population that is forecast to increase by one-half million persons by 2050 makes maintaining the currently high levels of biological integrity a continuing challenge. Given the lessons learned with the mosaic of stressors in the Scioto River over the past 150 years, we believe this challenge can be met successfully.