9781934874516 -甲基





文摘。视觉普查潜水调查(n= 87)被用来比较组合在三个人工鱼礁类型:大珊瑚礁(例如,船只),坦克珊瑚礁(即。,U.S. Army tanks) and small reefs (e.g., metal cages and concrete pyramids), over three locations on the continental shelf (inner shelf, 18–26-m depths; mid-shelf, 26–34-m depths; outer shelf, 34–41-m depths) from April 20, 2012 to November 30, 2015 in the northeast Gulf of Mexico. These surveys identified 66 fish taxa (lowest taxon: 58 species, five genera, three families), and 65 taxa were used in community comparisons. Artificial reefs were dominated by Red SnapperLutjanus campechanus(鱼观察)总额的35.3%,TomtateHaemulon aurolineatum(22.4%)、朱砂鲷鱼Rhomboplites aurorubens(19.5%),大西洋白鲟Chaetodipterus faber(7.0%),更大的琥珀鱼Seriola dumerili(3.0%)和灰色引金鱼Balistes capriscus(1.8%)。这六个最丰富的物种组成个人观察的总数的89%。红鲷鱼和更大的琥珀鱼的意思是大小(总长度毫米)更大的大礁石,朱砂鲷鱼和大西洋白鲟在坦克大珊瑚礁,在小珊瑚礁和Tomtates大。红鲷鱼,大西洋白鲟和更大的琥珀鱼大珊瑚礁外架子上,红鲷鱼,Tomtates,朱砂鲷鱼,大西洋白鲟和更大的琥珀鱼大的春天。丰富性和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数更高大的珊瑚礁和坦克珊瑚礁相比小珊瑚礁。均匀性、丰富性和Shannon-Wiener多样性较低在冬天比其他季节。鱼组合,基于Bray-Curtis相似之处,是不同的在礁类型,位置,和季节,但没有发现有交互作用。在目前的研究中,对大珊瑚礁鱼组合更类似于坦克珊瑚礁上组合相比,小珊瑚礁。更大的规模、更长的寿命,和相对稳定的大珊瑚礁和坦克珊瑚礁礁属性最有可能负责这些组合关联。同样,更稳定的条件在更深的深度(由热带风暴影响较小),毗邻深水鱼礁社区(如珊瑚礁顶峰)最有可能影响人工珊瑚礁上的组合多样性增加外大陆架的位置。 Diversities and densities were highest during the fall. This was most likely due to increased recruitment of tropical species and new age-0 recruits that were spawned during the same year. The attributes of all artificial reefs are not identical; consequently, it is important for managers to consider how reef type, shelf location, and season affect each species’ affinity and association with artificial reefs.