


David a . Seibel和蒂莫西·d·西蒙森


大梭鱼该河masquinongy钓鱼比赛在垂钓者流行。从1994年开始,威斯康辛州需要许可证锦标赛会议一定标准。报告数量的垂钓者,钓鱼小时,和鱼的数量需要注册。我们的目的是检查数量的比赛,许多垂钓者,捕获率,和数量和大小的鱼注册在林肯郡,威斯康辛州锦标赛数据来确定趋势和全州趋势和独立渔业数据。BOB国际体育从1994年到2015年,举行了58大梭鱼比赛,其中包括3726名垂钓者690 tournament-hours总共46390 angler-hours钓鱼。总共有276,34(1 = 2.54厘米)和更大的大梭鱼注册。平均4.8大梭鱼注册/比赛平均捕获率168 angler-hours /大梭鱼。从1994年到2004年,平均捕获率276 angler-hours /大梭鱼,但这种下降到2005 - 2015年期间97 angler-hours /大梭鱼。大梭鱼注册的长度是38.7,增加了从2000年代初的约38.0到39.5在2010年代早期。从1995年到2015年,平均40英寸的长度和更大的大梭鱼注册并没有改变,43岁。 Independent netting surveys on tournament waters showed no change in Muskellunge density from the early 2000s to the early 2010s. However, tournament angler catch rates increased over this time. Both netting surveys and tournament angler catches showed an increase in Muskellunge size over this period. Number of Muskellunge tournaments and anglers/tournament increased from 1995 to 2007 and then declined after 2010. A similar trend was seen in the number of statewide Muskellunge tournaments and participation. Decreases in Muskellunge tournaments and anglers since 2010 have occurred despite increases in tournament catch rates and average size of registered Muskellunge, which may suggest that tournament burnout or tournament saturation occurred.