




理解时,鱼吃的是渔业管理的核心,鱼类保护,和水产养殖。BOB国际体育增长和生产的鱼是成功的典型措施渔业科学直接相关的数量+营养和能量质量的食物。BOB国际体育因此,饮食需要和营养的关系(即信息。,dependencies on energy from prey) is needed to interpret research results as well as make sound management decisions. For example, dietary information can improve population assessment models, identify constraints to fish growth, and aid in managing harvest. Management actions to enhance fishing opportunities such as stocking to support declining populations and augment poor natural recruitment can be guided by the knowledge of dietary needs in the wild (Rand and Stewart 1998). In fish conservation, factors such as invasive species are threatening native organisms (Vander Zanden et al. 2004); research exploring food habits and trophic position can provide insight into competition between invaders and natives for limited food resources (e.g., Bohn and Amundsen 2001) and predation by invaders on endemic fishes (e.g., Pringle 2005). Habitat degradation and loss and its negative effect on fish foraging also may affect conservation efforts. From a culturist’s perspective, a better understanding of dietary preference and nutritional needs in the wild may translate into important innovations that maximize production in the hatchery.

方法量化食品食用的鱼类都集中在历史上对个人行为的消费者和他们的猎物(利马和莳萝1990)和饮食内容的分类识别(是个混蛋1994;鲍恩1996)。这些都是有用的但繁琐的策略,尤其艰巨的如果每日或季节性的喂养模式所需的信息。鱼的觅食行为可以复杂(框16.1),影响因素,如水温(Kitchell et al . 1977),每天的时间(Scheuerell和辛德勒2003),光(1999年沃格尔和波),水清晰(矿工和斯坦1996;Shoup博士和Wahl 2009),捕食风险(1984年沃纳和Gilliam)。因此,获取个人饮食和删除内容或直接观察原位觅食行为往往是困难的,勤劳的,最终贵。幸运的是,“你是你吃什么”往往是真实的,和鱼的结构成分往往反映了他们消费的食品(框16.1)。许多分析技术现在可以比较鱼组织的元素或分子组成的饲料。尽管这些技术整合短期和长期的觅食行为的变化,他们通常只提供有限的分类解析(图16.1)。选择合适的技术最终取决于研究问题,所需的分辨率和可用资源(16.1盒; Figure 16.1; see also Figure 11.2 in Chipps and Garvey 2007).