


Victor Muro和Felipe Amezcua


摘要. - chihuil海鲶Bagre自治区panamensis是一种重要的被商业开发的物种。目前,该物种被认为具有相对较高的丰度。然而,关于该物种的生物学研究很少;因此,墨西哥没有针对这一物种的收割规定。这项工作的目的是描述这一物种的繁殖生物学,作为管理这一资源的初步基础,评估目前的捕鱼做法是否会对其种群产生影响,最后,开始促进对这一种群的有效管理。刺网取样于2008年10月至2009年10月进行。所有的鱼都被解剖;从宏观上测定性别和性腺成熟期。结果表明,产卵季节为5 - 8月,性腺发育大体同步。chihuil海鲶鱼的繁殖力为36,这是低的,因为该物种通过口服孵化鱼苗表现出亲代照顾,降低了死亡率。 Estimated length at first maturity is 350 mm total length (TL). Average length at first catch from the artisanal gill-net fishery is 300 mm TL, indicating that this fishery is harvesting fish that have yet to have had a single reproductive event. A large number of captured fish consisted of males that were incubating fry, thus, likely causing large fry mortality. Current harvest practices may have a negative effect on the chihuil sea catfish population in the Gulf of California. A closed season is proposed for this species from May to August with a minimum harvest length of 400 mm TL.