9781888569087 - ch2



l . Norrgren p . Amcoff h . Borjeson, P.-O。拉赫松


Abstract. -波罗的海鲑鱼的数量大西洋鲑和鳕鱼Gadus morhua正面临着严重的威胁,因为可怜的繁殖。鲑鱼是折磨卵黄囊炒高死亡率,发病率的鳕鱼幼虫死亡率很高。也有迹象表明,布朗溯河产卵的波罗的海鳟鱼斑鳟属trutta人口影响生殖功能障碍。这些顶级捕食者有显著的生态、经济和社会经济的重要性。其他物种也遭受贫穷的繁殖成功率和人口减少的问题。淡水鳕罗大罗大本地人口影响性成熟不足,导致未能产生;性腺异常也被描述在蟑螂Rutilus Rutilus。蛋高死亡率已经记录了白粉Merlangius merlangus,比目鱼Platichtys flesus和鲱鱼Clupea harengus。已经有人尝试去发现在波罗的海鱼类生殖障碍的原因,但可用的数据显示几个可能的原因,非生物和生物。物种与深海鳕鱼和比目鱼等鸡蛋依赖盐度和氧气的浓度,因素往往限制生殖在波罗的海的体积。各种各样的生物原因(即。,infectious diseases, parasitism, and toxic algae) have been shown to affect species such as roach and herring. There are indications that nutritional factors (i.e., thiamine and astaxanthin) are involved in the cause of the yolk sac fry mortality syndrome affecting the Baltic salmon. Furthermore, anthropogenic activities causing both local point sources (i.e., metals and persistent organic pollutants) and long-range transport and deposition of acidic rain and pesticides must also be considered as potential threats to Baltic fish species.