AFS第二副主席候选人声明:Leanne H. Roulson

有人告诉我,我不是美国渔业学会(AFS)通常的候选人类型。BOB中国官方下载BOB国际体育在很多方面,这是正确的。我没有博士学位,我不是职业学者,也不是职业公职人员。在我退休之前还有很多年。我发表过论文,但并不多。我不是某一种水生物种、家族或栖息地类型的专家。那我为什么在这个名单上?我是一个视野开阔的候选人,也许观点略有不同,我有动力向他人学习,推动AFS向前发展。我作为生物学家的经历跨越了几个州。我主要在蒙大拿州管理过项目,也在爱达荷州、华盛顿州、俄勒冈州、加利福尼亚州和内华达州管理过项目。 There have been many days and weeks spent monitoring and assessing riparian and wetland habitats and fisheries populations, but I have also led meetings and facilitated decisions among diverse groups. During the many environmental assessments that I have completed, I have grappled with understanding the laws and regulations that govern the how, when, why, and where of mining, hydropower, wind energy, logging, road development, and other various forms of human infrastructure that affect rivers, streams, wetlands, and lakes. In many cases, the human application and interpretation of laws and regulations make the difference between a project that supports or even improves the condition of a water body and one that degrades it. Fisheries problems often have societal roots, and this connection has been key to my career. My career path is also a little atypical. I completed my B.S. in biology at the University of Oregon studying ecology and population dynamics with the Cascade Mountains and the Pacific coast as the lab environments. I spent a couple of summers in Alaska paddling around Prince William Sound, applying what I had learned in school to pre-and post-Valdez oil spill conditions. After I graduated, I moved to Montana and taught at a high school situated on the Yellowstone River. Teaching young people honed my appreciation for plain language in conveying current science and the critical element of meeting the public where they are and answering their questions before overwhelming them with jargon. I earned my M.S. degree from Montana State University with a project that looked at repurposing water rights to conserve native fisheries, again on the Yellowstone River. After a seasonal position with Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, I joined a consulting firm and began working on a wide variety of state and federal projects across the West, evaluating resource uses from desert plateaus to temperate rain forests. My experience as a consultant is also atypical in that over my 19 years, my clients have included just about every public lands management agency while my private client projects are few and far between. Outside of work hours, I have served on boards for an outdoorscience school, a community running club, and a watershed group. To me, the thread that runs through all of my professional experiences has been the constant mediation of public resource uses and the importance of communicating how and why we manage these areas to the public. I may know about fish and water, but I work with people.

1996年,在导师鲍勃·怀特的坚持下,我以研究生的身份加入了AFS。每年的蒙大拿州AFS会议对我的专业和个人来说都是一个很好的资源。几年后,我决定是时候做出更多贡献了。我在职业生涯早期就获得了渔业专业人员(FP-C)认证,我相BOB国际体育信FP-C课程使我受益匪浅,也提高了AFS作为一个组织的知名度。2006年至2007年,我担任蒙大拿州分会(MTAFS)会长;2009年至2010年,我担任西部分部(WDAFS)会长。2006年,蒙大拿州主办了WDAFS会议,我是会议协调员。我在这两个excom上的时间都花在了Pebble Mine的讨论上;促进墨西哥分会增加AFS的参与;并回应奥巴马总统对哥伦比亚盆地的适应性管理计划,AFS采矿政策修订,以及当地生物学家对蒙大拿州河流管理政策的担忧。2013年,我成为蒙大拿州资源管理关注委员会(RMCC)主席,同年晚些时候被要求领导AFS资源政策委员会(RPC)。 I have also served on the Time and Place (2010–2013), Nomination (2010–2011), and Professional Certification committees (2012–2017). As part of the WDAFS ExCom, we created a student representative position to facilitate leadership experience for young professionals. As chair for the AFS RPC, I have worked with young professionals as Policy Fellows and believe that encouraging and supporting the perspectives and experiences that our newest members bring to AFS is critical to keeping our organization current and influential in fisheries science. While chair of the RPC, we grappled with how to move our policy statements from passive, static fisheries white papers to responsive resources that are accessible, timely, and sought out by policymakers. A theme for my AFS involvement would be finding opportunities to expand AFS influence by recruiting and encouraging quality, knowledgeable members to add their voices and efforts to current issues in fisheries science.

我的职业生涯告诉我,政策和法规必须建立在最好的、最新的科学基础上,才能发挥良好的作用。那些开发科学知识的人有责任使决策者能够获得科学知识。如果我们的领导人不掌握准确、相关的信息,我们就不能指望做出好的决定。在我的家乡分会,RMCC提供并呼吁提供更好的信息,以设计黄石河上游白鲟鱼的通道计划。蒙大拿州AFS并没有推出一种替代方案,但我们正在推动使用强有力的生物学标准来选择最佳的替代方案。我们的分会决定,作为渔业专业人员,我们有责任提供有关该项BOB国际体育目如何能最大限度地造福渔业的信息,并根据这一决定采取行动。我也致力于使AFS更能代表我们的世界。我分别是MTAFS和WDAFS成立40多年来的第四位和第三位女性总裁。在任何一次AFS会议上,厕所排队表(一种测量会议间隙男女洗手间排队长度的方法)都证实了渔业仍然是男性主导的领域,我认为它仍然专注于西方和盎格鲁人的视角。BOB国际体育世界渔业为各国人民提供了BOB国际体育生计,而且可以说,对那些皮肤颜色多样、鱼类提供特别容易获取的动物蛋白质的地区来说,渔业更为重要。 AFS’ recent efforts to increase member recruitment and retention in fisheries science have put the spotlight on a need to be more welcoming and encouraging and to seek out a diverse array of students, young professionals, and other potential members. We need to open our minds to the benefits of a variety of perspectives, cultural experience, and backgrounds. Peer-reviewed literature is a valued foundation for decisions at AFS, and the literature supports many benefits of diverse work teams across all kinds of endeavors, including research and environmental sciences. As a society, we need to seek out and listen to these diverse voices and put into practice what the literature demonstrates would support our young professionals’ long-term participation as fisheries scientists. I would advocate implementing programs to recruit STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) students to fisheries professions. I am committed to making fisheries a profession that reflects the world’s makeup and is thus better equipped to address the world’s aquatic ecological challenges. Although I have not often been in the spotlight, I am someone who works to gets things done, and I would be honored to serve AFS as a Society officer.