




文摘布朗——韦伯河主要是被称为一个一流的鳟鱼斑鳟属trutta渔业;然而,这条河也支持两个危及鱼类的种群,博纳维尔切喉鳟雄鱼clarkii犹他州和Bluehead抽油Catostomus掷铁饼者。至少有一个人口博纳维尔切喉鳟在韦伯河提供了重要和受欢迎的当地渔业和表达一个河流生命的历史,相对个人成长大(300 - 500毫米总长度)和迁移到小支流产卵。Bluehead吸盘目前发生在主茎的韦伯河,他们旅行的距离20公里之间产卵和过冬的栖息地。物种的栖息地已经被超过300分散壁垒由水利大坝、公路口岸和效用流道口。从2010年开始,野生动物资源和鳟鱼无限的犹他州部门开始进行障碍清除原生鱼作为优先保护行动。最初,努力去重新发现栖息地的缓慢和缺乏与利益相关者的关系,比如水用户、政府机构、私人土地所有者,公用事业公司是阻碍进步与栖息地的重新连接。新壁垒正在建造速度超过壁垒被移除。建立这些关系,指导委员会成立安全小格兰特,雇一个咨询公司组织的利益相关者会议识别广泛的利益相关者优先事项,并编写一个分水岭计划,最终确定了博纳维尔切喉鳟和Bluehead吸盘作为优先保护的目标。流域规划和随后的利益相关者会议合作开发框架韦伯河。合伙企业持有一个年会,大分水岭问题进行了讨论。 The symposium also provides a platform where all stakeholders can understand the activities occurring throughout the watershed and where there are opportunities to collaborate. The Weber River Partnership has provided a forum where fisheries managers have told the story of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout and Bluehead Sucker and the importance of habitat connectivity. Through collaborative relationships with nontraditional partners, the relevance of fisheries in the Weber River has been realized. Further relevance in the watershed is evidenced by the development of a wide range of on-the-ground actions. Fish passage has been re-established at three main-stem and four tributary barriers. Additional projects are in various stages of development, including a large fish ladder that will be built as part of a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing project at a small hydroelectric dam, and we continue to be contacted by water users with interest in developing irrigation diversion reconstruction projects that incorporate fish passage.