9781934874448 - ch2



陈Huatang邓、Jiawen Ba和大庆


文摘,长江是中国最大的河流,流域包括土地面积1.8×106公里2。长江干线从西到东约6300公里的流动通过11个省,最后流入东海。长江流域面积提供了超过40%的中国国内生产总值(gdp),维持近5亿人,在整个社会经济发展起着至关重要的作用。由于地貌学的纵向差异,长江通常分为上,中间,和下游的目的研究和描述。一般来说,长江流域气候温暖,雨量丰富。亚热带季风气候占70 - 80%的年降雨量,产生可预测年度每年在夏天洪水事件。长江生态系统也有不同的水生栖息地,支持高生物多样性。长江干线包含3000多个支流和大约4000个湖泊,为成千上万的水生物种提供重要的栖息地,其中包括378种鱼类。然而,长江的生态社区已经极大地影响了近几十年来由于高程度的人为活动与中国的经济发展。重要生物多样性下降发生在整个盆地在很大程度上归因于水电大坝建设,主要渔业的过度开采,水污染,和栖息地的分裂。BOB国际体育 In addition, widespread disconnection of the Yangtze River main stem from its floodplain lakes, lake reclamation projects, invasions by exotic species, and other serious ecological problems threaten the survival of the remaining aquatic resources in the basin. To offset the adverse effects of these threats, a number of nature reserves have been established. Additionally, protection and restoration measures, including spring fishing closures, artificial population enhancement strategies, and complete habitat restoration projects, have been implemented throughout the basin. Although these projects have yielded some encouraging results to date, they are still considered inadequate. It is recommended that an integrated strategy that includes cross-functional communication mechanisms, more comprehensive monitoring, ecological rehabilitation, and government legislation is still needed. This will insure that utilization and development in the Yangtze River ecosystem are sustainable and balanced with conservation and ecological needs.