9781934874424 -互动-





文摘。三个相邻的潮沟系统(页面、粗毛和广泛的小溪)Eleuthera角,巴哈马群岛研究量化鱼类群落结构的变化和生境特征在空间尺度上小(< 5公里)。浮潜横断面用于人口普查鱼社区在夏季新月松弛的高潮,同时评估每个溪和小溪中的每个区域(即。口,中间和上部)复制连续超过三天。同时评估(包括大型团队)做是为了使直接比较没有空间采样被时间抱愧蒙羞。栖息地评估包括水质参数的测量、沉积物取样,和植被调查。尽管他们靠近,小溪不同鱼类群落结构和生境特征。大溪最大的鱼类物种丰富度(n= 15),其次是粗毛溪(n= 14)和页面溪(n= 10)。红树林栖息地有更高的鱼类物种多样性大溪海草栖息地导致更高的物种丰富度在页面溪,相对于其他类型的栖息地。红树林和藻纯栖息地鱼类物种多样性最高粗毛的小溪。在小溪,鱼类大量依赖分带,最多的鱼被发现在溪嘴相比,上部分。水质参数(即。,temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity) differed among the creeks, presumably reflecting creek morphology. Out of the 10 different species of vegetation observed, 60% were found in all tidal creeks. Coarse sand was the predominant particle size for all creeks, with variation in the second most abundant particle size between Page Creek and the others. This study reveals the great heterogeneity of tidal creek fish community and habitat characteristics and illustrates that conservation and management strategies along with monitoring programs must recognize the variation that can occur among and within coastal creeks over relatively small spatial scales.