9781934874424 -甲烷



杰弗里·s·约瑟夫·e·Serafy Shideler,拉斐尔•j . Araujo


科学家们一直在寻求理解红树林离岸系统的贡献,特别是从植物的浅滩珊瑚礁鱼类的运动(帕里什1989)。通常,在珊瑚礁渔业压力是最强烈的(2009年切除)。先前的研究关注mangrove-utilizing加勒比鱼类与个体发生迁移海外在时空的限制程度(例如,Nagelkerken et al . 2002年),这些研究成果和方法论和其他差异阻碍了量化,interstudy比较。此外,这些研究没有直接占(即。,incorporate in their data analyses) the potentially confounding influence of human activity (i.e., fishing and/ or habitat degradation) when examining for relationships linking mangrove presence or area to fish abundance on reefs. As a result, it remains unclear whether island-scale observations consistent with mangrove-mediated augmentation of fishes on coral reefs are also evident at the scale of the greater Caribbean region. Human influence on large, high–trophic level Caribbean fishes appears strong (Stallings 2009); therefore, it is important to account for this influence when examining for a mangrove-driven fish subsidy effect at the regional scale.