




抽象的。大多数长嘴鱼被娱乐和美国延绳钓渔民返回大海,因为过度捕捞的地位,美国敦促所有长嘴鱼生活在大西洋延绳钓渔业被释放。BOB国际体育比例的知识这些鱼死由于国过程,对于股票评估很重要,了解的潜在好处释放商业渔业作为捕获的。BOB国际体育现有的信息表明,这个死亡率低的大小,但来自有限数量的研究使用少量的超声标记。最近的技术,使用标签,从鱼释放后预排程序的时间,然后把数据传输到卫星,提供了潜在的发展更好的释放死亡的估计。本文利用仿真技术考察因素导致释放死亡的可靠估计。大多数标记实验误差的来源将会导致上偏估计。包括标签失败,标签引起的死亡率,自然死亡率,标签脱落。鉴于未来长嘴鱼的估算管理的重要性,初步研究应该关注证明这项技术。标签失败产生模棱两可的结果,应该最小化,尽可能,或取消从分析在适当的地方。在完美的条件下(没有标签失败,没有标签引起的死亡率,也没有标签脱落),个人实验应至少约100标签。 The length of time from tagging until the tag releases from the fish should only be long enough for the catch-and-release mortality to be fully expressed. Because each fishing mode is likely to have a different release mortality rate, each experiment only estimates the release mortality rate for the species, gear, and fishing method employed in the fishery studied. The number of tags required to estimate the total number of deaths of released fish, of all species, could be in the tens of thousands. However, a well-researched experimental design might reduce the required number of tags significantly.