


David b .封隔器和汤姆·霍夫


抽象的。——满足必要的鱼类栖息地(EFH)授权的据Magnuson-Stevens渔业保护和管理行为,大西洋中部渔业管理委员会(MAFMC)和国家海洋渔业服务(NMFS)发展目标,通用标准来描述和识别重要栖息地的物种。BOB国际体育夏天挣扎或侥幸Paralichthys dentatus是一个重要的商业和娱乐物种发生从浅河口外大陆架从新斯科舍省到佛罗里达。在大西洋中部湾是最丰富的哈特拉斯角来自新英格兰,这是本文的重点。夏天挣扎使季节性inshore-offshore迁移;成人和青少年通常居住在天气暖和的时候,他浅海岸和河口水域,主要是转移到了海外,随着水温的下降和天长度在秋天。成年人产卵在秋季和冬季迁移。夏天最好的栖息地信息比目鱼是estuarinedependent改变幼虫和青少年。他们用几种不同的河口栖息地托儿所的区域,包括盐沼小溪、海草床,泥滩,和开放的海湾地区。在这些栖息地,水温影响夏季的季节性发生比目鱼,驱动inshore-offshore迁移,,特别是在冬季和春季,一年级的生长和存活,从而影响后续的年级的力量。将幼虫的分布以及青少年在河口明显受盐度梯度和基质的影响。将幼虫和青少年偏爱桑迪基质在实验室也一直在捕捉泥或混合基质。 Juveniles are attracted to eelgrass and macroalgae habitats because of the presence of prey but remain in nearby sand to avoid predators as well as conceal themselves from the prey. The MAFMC used the life history and habitat parameter information developed by the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) to precisely describe the EFH of summer flounder by life stage. Because summer flounder are overexploited, the MAFMC wanted to be conservative in its EFH identification. Therefore, 90% of the areas where each life history stage has been collected from offshore surveys were identified as EFH. The MAFMC proposed that 100% of the estuaries where larvae and juveniles were identified as being present be identified as EFH because these life stages are estuarine dependent. Nursery habitats within the estuaries are essential because they provide the best conditions for growth and survival of the transforming larvae and juveniles. Submerged aquatic vegetation beds are especially vulnerable and were identified as habitat areas of particular concern. As more habitatrelated density data become available from various local, state, and federal fishery-independent surveys, updated maps of distribution and abundance will be produced.