


下面是一个总结的科学传播研讨会举行的2014年年度会议的华盛顿——不列颠哥伦比亚(WA-BC)章。大坝的陈旧的形象在多伦多的顿河投影仪屏幕上出现。凡妮莎Minke-Martin的声音充满了房间。“安大略湖的大西洋鲑鱼是一个异常,当我们想到原型溯河产卵的生命周期。“一张照片和少量的话说,Minke-Martin,英属哥伦比亚大学的理科硕士学生,带来了独特的生活史和迅速消灭这劳伦大湖salmonid生活的观众。大西洋鲑鱼的衰落大西洋鲑可以用统计描述、技术报告和详细的地图,但是解决WA-BC成员,Minke-Martin毁灭的一个迷人的故事。讲故事时交流科学开始获得牵引力跨学科(Dahlstrom 2014)。安大略省Minke-Martin记载人类影响大西洋鲑鱼。“随着城市增长,污染毒害饲养地区和数以百计的钢厂和大坝建成在支流,阻塞产生迁移,”她说。“1898年,最后为人所知的鱼被抓住了。“最终,这些最后的大西洋鲑鱼将添加到鱼类学集合在多伦多皇家安大略博物馆(ROM)。一个多世纪后,这个孤独的标本用于安大略的自然资源项目恢复安大略湖的大西洋鲑鱼。大西洋鲑鱼的故事只是其中一个Minke-Martin学会了在创建一个纪录片,“回忆,”罗的广阔的鱼类学收藏的历史。作为Ami Kingdon, Hakai杂志的副主编(www。hakaimagazine.com)和演讲者在会议上说:“故事是古代的。 The power of a narrative about other human beings is incredible.” Storytelling and fishes marry well. Symbolic and enchanting legends are passed generation to generation among First Nations communities. Comrades share tales after fishing trips to the cottage. Why not present your fisheries research as a story? Turn bullet points on opening slides into narratives. Develop the story’s plot with methods and results. End your story with study conclusions, reminding listeners of the narrative that motivated the scientific inquiry. Presenters from organizations including the International Pacific Halibut Commission, Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society, Pacific Salmon Foundation, Coastal Connection Vancouver, COAStNet, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration highlighted the importance of knowing that one science communication tool does not fit all. Different audiences and publics will use different platforms—media, social media, or face-to-face talks—to get information. Understanding these platforms is important for optimizing communication efforts. Integrating storytelling and narratives into communication platforms can extend the reach and influence of the message. As Kingdon concluded, “People care about stories.” Want to develop your storymaking and storytelling skills? Be sure to read “Connection: Hollywood Storytelling Meets Critical Thinking” by Randy Olson, Dorie Barton, and Brian Palermo, and download the accompanying smartphone app, “Connection Storymaker.” REFERENCE Dahlstrom, M. F. 2014. Using narratives and storytelling to communicate science with nonexpert audiences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(4):13614-13620