




大梭鱼该河masquinongy原产于密西西比河上游流域,但在1978年开始的恢复工作之前,被认为从贝米吉湖和连接水域中灭绝了。重建Muskellunge的努力在20世纪80年代得到了加强,并一直持续到今天。1998年和2013年进行的Muskellunge评估的长度和年龄频率数据描绘了人口老龄化。例如,1998年只捕获了一条超过48英寸的鱼,而2013年有34条鱼超过了这个长度。在这两次评估中捕获的鱼类平均长度分别为39.4英寸和45.3英寸(1英寸= 2.54厘米)。正如预期的那样,年龄较大的鱼获得了最大的生长潜力,最大的雌性鱼超过了55英寸。然而,尽管鱼种持续放养,但2013年捕获的鱼很少少于40英寸。1998年捕获的鱼中89%的年龄小于11岁,而在2013年的样本中,这一年龄段的鱼只占7%。考虑到2013年人口的长度和年龄分布,对成年人口的招募似乎有所下降。这是由于亚成鱼的死亡率增加还是性成熟延迟尚不确定。 Mark–recapture population estimates for sexually mature fish were attempted in both years during the spawning period using large-frame trap nets (marking) and boat electrofishing (recapture). In 1998, only one marked fish was recaptured. In 2013, a sufficient number of fish were recaptured to compute a population estimate, but there was concern that model assumptions were violated due to sex-specific fish behavior. Thus, efforts were made to compute two additional population estimates using angler diaries and a follow-up electrofishing assessment in 2014. Our three population estimates for sexually mature Muskellunge in Lake Bemidji during 2013 ranged from 320 to 603 individuals (0.04 to 0.08 Muskellunge/acre [0.016 to 0.032 Muskellunge/ha]).