9781934874363 -甲基



Eric A. Long, Charles L. Mesing, Karen J. Herrington, Robert R. Weller和Isaac I. Wirgin


摘要-自20世纪70年代以来,唯一已知的自然繁殖的墨西哥湾(海湾)原生条纹鲈鱼种群马龙saxatilis发生在佛罗里达州、佐治亚州和阿拉巴马州的阿巴拉契科拉-查塔胡奇-弗林特河系统(ACF)。1965年至1976年间,为了增加濒临枯竭的种群数量,少量来自大西洋海岸的鱼苗和鱼种被释放到ACF中。海湾条纹鲈鱼的恢复始于1980年,当时推定的由阿巴拉契科拉河(海湾)繁殖的海湾鱼种被放回了ACF。自最初的放养以来,大约有1000万条第一阶段(25-50毫米)和90万条第二阶段(150-250毫米)的鱼苗被放生到塞米诺尔湖和阿巴拉契科拉河,还有数十万条鱼苗被放生到上游水库。在评估自然繁殖的10年中,有9年记录了ACF中成功自然繁殖的低水平。标记放养的鱼通常包括75-100%的秋季0龄样本。在开始放养后,在吉姆·伍德拉夫船闸和水坝的尾赛中进行的高峰季节筒子鱼调查中,条纹鲈鱼的收获估计增加了10倍。对来自大西洋和海湾的条纹鲈鱼进行了为期5年的比较,并将它们共同储存在相邻的河流水库系统中,结果表明,在4岁之前,它们的相对存活率或生长速度没有一致的差异。海湾条纹鲈鱼在夏季占据了冷水热避难所。加强热避难栖息地是成功的,但结果是短暂的。 Small populations of Gulf striped bass, dependent on stocking of hatchery fish, now exist in several Gulf of Mexico tributary systems where adequate habitat is present.Genetic analysis of both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes revealed that a high percentage of fish from the ACF exhibit mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes and nuclear DNA (nDNA) alleles that are absent in Atlantic populations.However, significant introgression of Atlantic nDNA alleles was documented in the extant population. Knowledge of the life history of Gulf striped bass was improved as a result of this multi-state collaboration as well as a large stocking program, new Gulf broodfish repositories, extensive genetic cataloged database,and expanded trophy fisheries. ACF Gulf striped bass restoration goals and objectives were defined, adjusted, and revised throughout the collaborative process to meet the concerns and management needs of all participating agencies.