


Anne-May Ilestad Thrond o . Haugen,乔纳森·e·科尔曼


文摘环境变量和种间相互作用影响鱼类的栖息地的使用。欧洲鲈鱼eurythermic和广盐性的Dicentrarchus labrax在挪威水域正在增加。我们比较一昼夜的——和季节性栖息地的使用和家庭范围的物种与大西洋鳕鱼Gadus morhuaOslo-fjord,挪威。个人深度和水平位置获得使用声波遥测。鱼跟踪使用便携式和固定式接收器。两个物种显示高网站忠诚从6月到10月。10月下旬,鲈鱼迁移的核心区域,而鳕鱼依然存在。鳕鱼家里范围(11.4±5.5公顷)小于鲈鱼回家范围(42.6±26.1公顷)在整个研究。活动范围增加个人体型鲈鱼,但不是鳕鱼。两个物种已经差一昼夜的季节性深度使用。鲈鱼使用深度浅4 m在6月到9月期间,与一昼夜的垂直迁移很少超过2 m。9月后,鲈鱼寻求更深的水域; stabilizing at 11 m in November with a diel migration amplitude of 7 m. Cod stayed deeper than the 9–10 m thermocline in August with vertical migration amplitude of 7 m and moved into daytime depths of 6.5 m with diel amplitude of 4.5 m in December. Sea bass actively selected warmer temperatures and the lowest salinities available, whereas cod avoided temperatures higher than 13°C and salinities below 24 ppt. The differential temperature preference for these species is likely the main driver for the differential depth utilization. A model using air temperatures as a predictor was constructed predicting daytime and night-time depth use. This study provides novel insights to the habitat use of the two species under Nordic fjord conditions—information to be included in upcoming management programs emerging due to the continuing northward colonization of sea bass along the Norwegian coast.