


理查德•e .火花Traci l·巴克利,萨拉·m·Creque约翰·m·Dettmers和Karen m . Stainbrook


文摘。在1990年,美国国会授权美国陆军工兵部队学习障碍防止下游轮鰕虎鱼的运动Apollonia(原Neogobius)melanostomus和其他有害、入侵鱼类从密歇根湖南部通过芝加哥运河系统进入伊利诺斯河(密西西比河支流)。演示电屏障激活太晚了(2002年4月18日)块鰕虎鱼,但它是唯一的障碍运动的亚洲鲤鱼从伊利诺斯河上游密歇根湖,并为设计提供了有用的信息,提高了屏障(障碍2)。我们在130年外科手术植入联合radio-and-acoustic发射器鲤鱼鲤属carpio我们发布的20米下游示范屏障的芝加哥环境卫生和航行运河评估的能力障碍防止上游段的鱼。这些鱼的运动监测从2002年4月到2006年12月,8.7公里达到内外有界上游的电动屏障和下游的洛克波特大坝和锁。固定水听器和无线电天线不断监控运河立即上游和下游的信号从发射机的屏障。此外,32调查与boat-mounted接收器进行定位发射器固定范围内的接收器。固定接收器检测到109的130发射器;大多数检测发生后几天内发布的鱼。发射机的跟踪船120和100年至少一次至少两次。大部分的发射器仍然屏障的下游和上游的锁,但下游移动以外的锁,一个上游通过障碍,四个上游移动在60 - 400米的屏障后下游移动,和三个仍在释放点整个电池寿命,表明鱼死了或发射器被驱逐出境。两次,鲤鱼是视觉上观察到半米内表面(能见度)的极限障碍。这些鱼没有观察到超越的下游边缘电场。 The traverse of the barrier on April 3, 2003 occurred at the same time as a tow was passing. A tow consists of steel barges that are lashed together and pushed by a diesel-powered boat. The tow may have facilitated the passage of the fish, either by entraining the fish or by distorting the electric field. The tracking boat detected the transmitter upstream of the barrier on April 10, 2003. The transmitter did not move more than 100 m during the remaining life of the transmitter, indicating that the fish was probably dead. After we reported the passage, Smith-Root, Inc. (operators of the electric barrier, under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) increased the duty cycle of the electric field by fivefold. We did not detect any further passages of transmitters, suggesting that the existing electric field (Barrier 1) prevented upstream movement of adult common carp and that the new, improved barrier, in combination with Barrier 1, may be effective against the more recently introduced Asian carps. The response of Asian carps to electric barriers still needs further study because the behavior of the Asian carps differs from common carp. Also, there are ways these carps could bypass Barriers 1 and 2 that need to be addressed. These potential bypasses may explain the recent detections of DNA shed from these carps in canal water upstream from the barriers.